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Infographic showing the steps to cutting and de-seeding a jackfruit.

Jackfruit is definitely an intimidating fruit! Its appearance is Jurassic,ย as I have heardย itย described, and it is the largest born tree fruit in the world. Did you know that they are capable of reaching 100 pounds? Oh, what I would do for 100 pounds of jackfruit ๐Ÿ™‚ But have no fear, Sweet Simple Vegan is here to help you cutย through your very first jackfruit at home!I only discovered about three years ago at my local Asian market, but it has been a favorite in my household ever since.

overhead image of peeled jackfruit in a bowl.

When I first spottedย it in my local Asian market, I was terrified! What on earth is that dragon egg-looking thing for sale?!ย Luckily, there was a worker there who was enthusiastic about my first encounter with jackfruit. He told me to wait where I was and rushed to the back with the jackfruit. He came back and handedย me my first sample of one of my new favorite fruits. It was love at first bite. Sweet, slightly crunchy, and reminiscent of a flavor I could not at the moment recall (which I later was informed that this is the flavor that Juicy Fruit gum was based on, who knew!).

I ended up buying the otherย halfย of theย jackfruit that he cut and bringing it home to my family to experience. What the worker did not inform me, however, was that the jackfruit was full of latex (its ‘sap’) and that opening it at home without any prior experience would turn out to be a nightmare. I got the goo everywhere, and did not know how to take it off! After a google search (of course), we found that coconut oil would do the trick in removing the latex.

Jasmine holding a jackfruit.

That first jackfruit that I had tried was the only latex nightmare that I experienced. All ofย the jackfruits that I had cut intoย following that one were never as latex-filled because I cut the fruit at peak ripeness. I have been told that it is dependent on the ripeness of the jackfruit, which I know from experience can confirmย as true. After that day, I come prepared and developed the method that I am sharing with you today.

For Christmas of 2013, my family gifted me a jackfruit! It was one of the best presents I have received ๐Ÿ˜‰

I should note that the first photo in this post below (with what you need) is of a different jackfruit than the rest of the tutorial. The photos took two attempts because of quality issues, so that is why the two are of different sizes! This is how I cut my jackfruit, and is by no means me saying that this is “the proper way”, it is just what has worked for me!

>> I cut and “clean” the whole jackfruit at once, to get it over with and save me time during the week when I want to eat some. Therefore, this tutorial is going to show you how to do just that. If you don’t want to cut the whole fruit, simply follow the instructions but only work with a section of the jackfruit. <<

Ripeness: I leave my jackfruit with the rest of my fruit stash in my living room, and once my whole house has a beautiful jackfruit aroma flowing through it, I know it’s ready. The outside turns more yellow in color, is softer (but not mushy and rotting), and the spikes seem to appear larger in their base area.

step up station to cut and prep jackfruit.

Here is what I use:

  • Plastic wrap, to cover the counter top and to allow for easy clean up
  • Cutting board
  • Large sharp knife
  • Gloves (optional, discussed below)
  • Coconut Oil
  • 2 bowls: 1 large for the fruit, 1 small for the seeds
  • A jackfruit, duh ๐Ÿ˜‰
Open compost bin with fruit scraps inside.

Get your compost bin ready! I make sure to compost all of the scraps from my jackfruit because there is A LOT and my garden loves it ๐Ÿ™‚ If you are interested in learning more about composting, and my organic home garden, you can check out a full detailed post here

image of putting on gloves getting ready to cut jackfruit.

Next, cover your counter with plastic wrap. I covered the counter the width of 2 sheets of plastic wrap, making sure to overlap them a bit in the middle.Gloves?! Yes, gloves. Jackfruit has a natural latex (sap) that can get stuck on your hands and requires some effort to remove it later on. You could definitely skip the gloves if your jackfruit does not have a lot of latex, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

prepping the knife to cut jackfruit.
Step-by-step image of cutting jackfruit
Cut jackfruit slices
Cut jackfruit slices with knife.
stepy-by-step image of slicing into jackfruit rounds.
Step-by-step image of removing jackfruit pods.
image showing the end of a jackfruit
Step-by-step of removing the seeds from jackfruit pods

An alternative to gloves is to simply cover your hands with coconut oil before starting, just be extra careful when handling the knife as it may slip out of your oiled hand.Oil it up, oil it up!ย I cover my knife with coconut oil to decrease the amount of latex that sticks to it. This will not prevent it, but it does a good job in decreasing the mess you have to deal with later on.Continue cutting your jackfruit into rounds, about 1 1/2-2″ wide, until you reach the end of the fruit.Voila, you have all of your jackfruit rounds. Note that the end piece (the one I first cut off) was cut in half again, as you can see above.Look at all that goo on the knife! Although you had applied coconut oil at the start, a new coat may be necessary, depending on how much latex your jackfruit contains. Those heavier in latex will have a white-colored goo, whereas this one had a light/clear one that wasn’t too heavy.The next thing to do is cut into each individual round, and remove the white core.ย If there is any white left after the first run-through, simply go back and recut it until all, or at least most, of it is removed.Time to get diggin’! Now is the fun part, actually taking out the sweet juicy fruit-flavored goodness! Lay out the fruit into a flat strip, and begin removing each pod, trying to avoid pulling out the excessย white stringy pulp.Pull out all of the pods until there are none remaining on the strip of jackfruit, then discard the strip into your compostย (or trash if you do not compost, but you definitely should!).For the end piece, it is easiest if you flip it inside out (as seen above) and pull out the pods.After you have discarded the scraps, what I like to do is “clean” each pod. This is time consuming, yes, but it allows for convenience throughout the week when I want some jackfruit! This is also totally optional. You can just place the pods into the bowl and clean them as you eat them, but I like to do it all at once and eat them in peace later on ๐Ÿ™‚ Take the jackfruit pod, and “open” it up so that you see the inside seed and its covering.ย Pull out the seed and its covering. Discard the “covering”, and place the seeds into the small bowl, and place the “cleaned” pod into a large bowl. Continue doing this until you “clean” out all of the pods.

Image of jackfruit pods in a bowl with a smaller bowl of seeds.
Image of jackfruit seeds in a bowl.

Clean up: Wipe the knife with a towel to remove the oil and latex. Do not rinse it just yet. Put more oil on the knife, and wipe again to remove more latex. You can repeat this until you have removed as much as you can, Then, you can wash the knife with soap and water. As for the counter, simply gather the plastic from the outside in, into a large ball, and discard. Wipe the counter as needed if there were any spills on the sides. Store the jackfruit in the refrigerator, covered, for let’s say 3-4 days. I mean, it’s not like the jackfruit is going to even last that long anyways ๐Ÿ˜‰So now what to do with the seeds? What a lot of people don’t know is that you can actually cook and eat the seeds of the jackfruit! Once cooked, they have a consistency similar to a potato or roasted chestnuts, and make a great snack or even compliment to salads. Check out my recipe for Roasted Garlic Jackfruit Seed Hummus (bean, nut & oil-free).

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How To Cook Jackfruit Seeds! (With Photos)

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  • Author: Jasmine Briones / Sweet Simple Vegan
  • Total Time: 35 minutes
  • Yield: 3-5


  • Jackfruit Seeds
  • Water


  1. Rinse the jackfruit seeds, and be sure to get rid of any fruit scraps.
  2. Place the seeds to a pot with about 1″ of water over them seeds.
  3. Bring the water to a boil over medium heat, then lower to a simmer and cover.
  4. Allow the jackfruit seeds cook for 30 minutes or until soft (similar to a baked or steamed potato).
  • Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Cook Time: 30 mins
  • Category: Snack
  • Cuisine: Vegan

Make sure you tag me on Instagram @sweetsimplevegan or twitter @sweetsimpleveg and hashtag #sweetsimplevegan if you post up any photos of jackfruit, I would love to see your photos!

Meet The Bloggers

hey there! we’re jasmine & chris.

Hi, we’re Jasmine and Chris! We share fresh and fun recipes to show you that vegan cooking is easy, approachable and delicious. When weโ€™re not blogging, you will probably find us enjoying live music, tending to our backyard garden or playing with our dogs Berry and Louie

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  1. Hi, I love jackfruits too! Can’t stop eating when i start. The seeds I have made some attempts, but what stops me is the timeconsuming task of removing the harder outer skin of the seed. Do you have any suggestions how to remove the skins faster?

    1. Hi Didi! After boiling the seeds, it is easier for me to work with. Some crack open to make it easier to peel, but others you might need to use a sharp knife!

  2. I live in Utah and have never seen a jackfruit at our grocery stores but I love to eat jackfruit. An tips on locating them??

    1. I live in Utah as well and have just recently been purchasing jackfruit the last month or so. My grocery store sells it and they even order it for me when iโ€™m needing more. Iโ€™ve already purchased 2 so far.

    2. Rancho Market always has huge ones for around $.50 per lb. Rancho is on 3300 S and 9th E in SLC. They told me they freeze well for smoothies. I bought a rather green one and it ripened in three days. The more brown spots the better. I kept mine outside on my covered deck in the shade and Iโ€™m glad because it had a burned plastic smell. It left a slight amount of messy sap on bowls and hands. But that didnโ€™t deter my nieces and family from combing through the fibers for the seed pods. It was a tactile experience they wonโ€™t forget. I hear the more ripe ones have less sap. I cleaned off a metal bowl with coconut oil but a small amount of WD40 was a much faster cure.
      Such an exotic flavor and fun experience for a big group!

  3. Hi,
    I come from a place where we eat jackfruit quite often. Wanted to share with you another way of eating j.f seeds. You can eat them roasted. Use a skillet (don’t oil it) and put the seeds into the heated skillet and stir now and then when they get roasted. Oh don’t forget to stand a bit away from them as they can pop when they roast. So you would know when the seed covers look slightly browned and a few pop, rhat they are toasted. I think you might be able to roast them in the oven. I haven’t tried it. Maybe the method used for roasting chestnut would work. Roasted j.f are awsome. My grand mother would store seeds in a very traditional manner, covered in sand. When rainy season comes people used to roast the seeds and make awsome food with them. You can just eat seeds when they are roasted. It’s good to eat it with a bit of salt and pepper and a few slices of coconut. (I think they are available in Asian stores). If you want any traditional j.f recipes from my country let me know. I am a big fan of the fruit and it’s one of the best foods I miss so much from home.

    1. Thank you SO MUCH, this is just awesome I can’t wait to try this ๐Ÿ™‚ And yes, more recipes would be great I would love to explore different cuisines! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. This is my fav fruit!!! I like to pick out the pods as i eat it ๐Ÿ™‚
    How do you pick a ripe one? Or can you buy any whole jackfruit and then just let it ripen? You say it should turn yellow and smell…but in your pic it looks green and brown?

    1. Hi Cel!

      I don’t pick by ripeness, but by condition. I usaully get them unripe.
      Just be sure that there is no mold or blemishes or damages to the fruit.

      As for the yellow color, it is hard to explain, but when you get one for yourself, you will see a slight color change, and it is actually a bit more yellow in my photo than when purchased. It turns yellow with dark brown spots. If you look at the photo where I am holding it with the bow, that is the ideal “glow” ๐Ÿ™‚